Jakarta (ANTARA) – Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo) Budi Arie Setiadi responded to the closure of the TikTok Shop service in Indonesia and said that this was in accordance with regulations regarding Trading via Electronic Systems,
“Tiktok has made the decision to no longer facilitate transactions on the TikTok Shop platform. In this case, sanctions against TikTok are not necessary considering that Tiktok is already subject to Electronic Trading System (PMSE) regulations. We will continue to evaluate and coordinate with the relevant sector ministries to ensure PSE’s compliance with existing regulations,” said Budi to ANTARA in a short message, Wednesday.
Also read: Observer: Online traders need to be calm in response to the closure of the TikTok Shop
Furthermore, related to the main tasks and functions of the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kemenkominfo) regulating PMSE, it will routinely monitor all digital platforms that currently provide services. e-commerce in Indonesia.
Budi said that the Ministry of Communication and Information in terms of carrying out sanctions for terminating access to a PMSE service cannot act alone and can only do so if it receives a request from the Ministry or Institution in charge of the related sector.
Therefore, coordination and evaluation with the relevant Ministries or Institutions is important. In the case of PMSE, intense coordination is carried out with the Ministry of Trade.
For digital economy players who use the platform social commerce like TikTok Shop as a means of buying and selling, Bud invites people to take advantage of other access on platforms marketplace which has been operating for a long time in Indonesia. In this way, online buying and selling transaction activities can continue to run smoothly.
“The Ministry of Communication and Information is appealing to digital economy players who have been using the platform social commerce as a means of PMSE, to utilize the platform marketplace (e-commerce) that already exists, as well as through transaction media on line others while still prioritizing aspects of transaction reliability and security,” concluded Budi.
Previously, on Tuesday (3/10), TikTok officially announced the service e-commerce His TikTok Shop is officially discontinued starting October 4 2023 at 17.00 WIB.
TikTok took this decision in line with the latest PMSE regulations which do not allow social media practices and e-commerce combined in one application.
Also read: Coordinating Minister for SMEs says MSMEs will not be harmed after Tiktok Shop closes
Also read: TikTok officially closes shopping services starting October 4
Also read: Teten: Minister of Cooperatives cannot close TikTok Shop
Reporter: Livia Kristianti
Editor: Maria Rosari Dwi Putri
Copyright © ANTARA 2023